“Learning from whatever source provides the foundation for health and wellbeing.”
Belfast Learning City and The NI Impact Forum on Adult Learning have collaborated to produce a very timely report on the links between learning and health and wellbeing.
The “Learn Well, Live Well” report has six thematic chapters written by a wide range of contributors, including academics and practitioners, and is illustrated by sixteen case studies from across Northern Ireland and beyond. Collectively they show the impact that adult learning has on health and wellbeing, both directly and indirectly.
As the world struggles with the Covid-19 pandemic and looks to life thereafter, the evidence of the report points to the importance of support and investment in lifelong and lifewide learning.
Belfast Learning City is a member of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities and the report benefits from the global perspective provided by UNESCO UIL in the introduction, “taking into account the particular circumstances in which the world finds itself in 2020.”
The “Learn Well, Live Well” report was finalised in December 2020 as part of the UK programme for the European Agenda on Adult Learning (managed by the Learning and Work Institute).
Launch of report: February 24th 2021
Launch of “Learn Well. Live well” report
Click below to read the report