Making Life Better Together

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    Invite to host an event as part of the 2023 Belfast Festival of Learning


    Belfast Learning City will host the 6th annual Belfast Festival of Learning during the week 20 - 26 March 2023 to promote Belfast as a learning city for all and to celebrate Belfast receiving the UNESCO Learning City Award in 2021.

    The festival aims to engage Belfast citizens in learning and to inspire interest and enjoyment through a week-long programme of interactive learning events and workshops.

    It also aims to showcase the great range of learning opportunities that exist in the city. We particularly wish to promote events that encourage the participation of groups and individuals who have experienced barriers in accessing learning opportunities.

    The programme will reflect the many reasons people learn, depending on their needs and life stage, whether that be learning for work, learning through education, learning to live together and learning for life.

    Please think of the festival as an opportunity to showcase the work your organisation does in terms of providing learning. Many of you will have existing events happening during festival week, or perhaps celebration events as courses come to a close - why not let the festival raise wider awareness and appreciation of these?

    If you would like to hold an event as part of the festival, guidance notes and the event submission form are attached. A small amount of financial assistance is available to support these events. If you have an event that you would like included in the festival programme which requires no funding, just complete an event submission form giving us the event details.

    Event Submission Forms for Belfast Festival of Learning events must be returned no later than 5.00pm on Friday 4 November 2022.

    2023 Festival of Learning Submission Form

    2023 Belfast Festival of Learning Guidance notes

    We look forward to working with you and welcome your support.

    If you would like more information, please get in touch with Dolores Atkinson by email, or tel. 028 9050 2073 or mob.07766 025 500