Events Archive
Event Information:
Positive Ageing Month October 2020
A month-long festival of events and activities for older people, Positive Ageing Month celebrates the contribution that older people make to their communities and the city of Belfast, and no more so than this year!
Our festival begins on Thursday 1 October at 10.30am in City Hall with the Virtual Age-friendly Belfast Convention, organised by the Age-friendly Belfast team. Delivered via webinar:
Now in its fifth year, the festival looks very different this year but still has activities to suit all tastes. There will still be some Positive Ageing Month favourites like the Slipped Disco, the big quiz and Tea Dance but they will all be virtual and at home. You can also join us for cookery demonstrations, shared reading, history talks, info sessions, a games afternoon and the ever popular Chocolate Bingo.
There are still a few live events – Silver Sunday 4th October at the Ulster Museum, movies at the stand cinema and a few walks.
Booking for most events is essential this year so please check programme details