Pledge 4 – Strengthen connections to and within the health sector

Within Active Belfast, we consider our pledge 4 “to strengthen connections to and within the health sector” paramount to our work. This includes implementing a range of Physical Activity Referral Programmes delivered by specialist coaches throughout Belfast and beyond.
The benefits of physical activity are extensive with evidence linking physical activity to improved overall health and wellbeing. It helps in preventing and managing many health conditions and diseases including coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and promote mental and emotional wellbeing.
Click to see our full Physical Activity Referral Care Pathway.
Please contact for further information.
Click the icons below for more information on each of the Physical Activity Referral Programmes:

The Healthwise scheme is the 12-week local Physical Activity Referral (PARS) programme under the Regional PARS scheme which helps inactive people increase their physical activity levels. Participants can be referred by their GP or Healthcare professional to a local Leisure Centre or Healthy Living Centre of their choice to participate in the free 12-week programme. Following enrolment, the specialist exercise referral coaches will prescribe safe and achievable exercise with the aim of adopting an active lifestyle to manage various medical conditions.
Participants will have unlimited access and can avail of activities such as swimming, gym, small group-based classes, walking/cycling groups and much more. The Healthwise programme is suitable for all fitness levels provided you meet the criteria shown below on the poster.
Click here for the Healthwise Leaflet for Health Professional Referrers
Healthwise Provider Leaflets
Belfast Venues:
- Maureen Sheehan Centre Healthwise Leaflet
- GLL Healthwise Leaflet
- LORAG/Shaftesbury Recreation Centre
South Eastern Venues:
Healthwise case study
Following the successful completion of Phase 3 Cardiac Rehabilitation with your clinical Cardiac Rehab Team, you will then be referred to the Phase 4 community-based programme. This stage is a continuation programme delivered by specialist BACPR exercise referral professionals with the aim of progressing your rehabilitation in a safe environment taking into consideration your individual capabilities.
The programme is a low intensity circuit-based format whereby exercises are completed with peers in a friendly environment to increase fitness levels. The programme lasts for 12 weeks, is free of charge, and takes place in the following venues below.
Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase 4 providers:
Belfast Venues:
Maureen Sheehan Centre
106 Albert Street, Belfast BT12 4HL
Contact: 028 9031 0346
GLL/Better Centres
• Grove Wellbeing Centre, 120 York Road, Belfast, BT15 3HF
• Lisnasharragh Leisure Centre, Montgomery Road, Castlereagh, Belfast BT69HS
• Olympia Leisure Centre, Boucher Road, Belfast, BT12 6HR
Contact for all GLL centres:
customer service line 0330 1231500
South Eastern Venues:
Laganvalley Leisureplex
18 Lisburn Leisure Park, Lisburn, BT28 1LP
Contact: 028 9260 0266 or 028 9244 8004
Click here for Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase 4 patient leaflet
GLL Better Centres, Cardiac Rehab Phase 4, Janet’s story (click to view)
The 12-week Cancer Rehabilitation exercise referral programme aims to improve the wellbeing and physical activity levels of individuals living with and beyond cancer. The programme is free of charge and encourages participants to take part in realistic and achievable small group-based exercise classes, swimming, gym, and walking groups etc. The programme is delivered by specialist cancer rehabilitation coaches who tailor safe exercise prescription to meet the needs and capabilities of each participant.
The Cancer Rehabilitation programme takes place in the venues below.
The Maureen Sheehan Centre
For Maureen Sheehan referrals please contact:
Cancer Rehabilitation Exercise Professionals
Telephone: 028 9031 0346
GLL/Better Centres
• Andersonstown LC
• Girdwood Community Hub
• Lisnasharragh LC
• Olympia LC
For GLL/Better Centres referrals please contact:
Martin McCartney, Cancer Rehabilitation Exercise Professional
Mobile: 07788 421987
The Diabetes Type II exercise referral programme will shortly be rolled out as a pilot across the BHSCT area. The aim of the 12-week intervention programme is to help individuals living with Diabetes Type II manage and control the condition through safe and effective physical activity. The programme focuses on behavioural change to ensure participants adopt a healthier lifestyle by increasing their physical activity levels through a tailored circuit-based class.
The pilot is free of charge and is delivered in a range of local facilities across Belfast, by specialist exercise referral coaches.
Contact and referral details will follow shortly…..
Step up to Stop Falls!
The Belfast Health and Social Care Trust in partnership with Active Belfast are pleased to announce the continuation of its Falls Prevention Group Exercise Programmes. Let us help you return to structured exercise in a safe environment, increase your physical activity levels, challenge your strength & balance, promote general wellbeing, and ultimately reduce your risk of falling.
Have you
Click here for Strength & Balance poster
Click here for Top Tips Falls Prevention poster
If you answered Yes to one or more of the above, live within the Belfast Trust area and are aged 65 or over, you may be eligible to attend a 12-week Strength & Balance Exercise Programme.
This 12 consecutive week Strength & Balance Programme is free of charge.
• Andersonstown Leisure Centre, 132 Andersonstown Road, Belfast, BT11 9BY
• Avoniel Leisure Centre, Avoniel Road, Belfast BT5 4SF
• Girdwood Community Hub, 10 Girdwood Avenue, Belfast, BT14 6EG
• Hanwood Centre, Kinross Avenue, Belfast, BT5 7GE
• LORAG/Shaftesbury Recreation Centre, 97 Balfour Avenue, Belfast BT7 2EW
• Olympia Leisure Centre, Boucher Road, Belfast, BT12 6HR
(Please contact us for further information on day and time of classes. Venues are subject to change)
If you would like to attend one of the programmes, please telephone 028 9504 7656 or email:
Do you suffer from a musculoskeletal condition such as arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, fibromyalgia, or awaiting a joint replacement?
- The musculoskeletal (MSK) exercise referral pathway is a pilot that has been created to support people living with a musculoskeletal condition.
- It is a 12-week physical activity intervention programme that encourages participants to take part in regular physical activity to manage and rehabilitate their condition.
- Participants have a choice of a studio-based exercise class designed specifically for MSK conditions or they can take part in an aquatics pool-based rehabilitation class that includes tailored water exercises to manage your condition.
- The MSK specific exercise classes provide individuals with a safe and friendly environment to increase physical activity levels and improve their wellbeing.
With your consent a referral can be made by:
- Health and Social Care Professionals
- A social prescriber- Versus Arthritis NI
Classes are held in the following GLL Better facilities:
- Falls Leisure Centre
- Grove Wellbeing Centre
- Olympia Leisure Centre
- Templemore Baths
For more information contact:
Email: BelfastMSKReferrals@GLL.ORG
Pulmonary Rehabilitation:
This pathway is for patients with respiratory disease who have completed a clinical level 3 course of Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
The level 4 programme is the next phase of the client’s journey and is delivered by specialist Physical Activity Referral Coaches with the aim of steadily increasing physical activity levels and progressing the participants rehabilitation. During each session, low intensity physical activity is undertaken safely with peers, taking into consideration the client’s needs and
The programme lasts for 12 weeks, is free of charge, and takes place in the following community-based venues below.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Level 4 providers:
Belfast Venues:
GLL/Better Centres
Girdwood Community Hub, 10 Girdwood Avenue, Belfast, Antrim BT14 6EG
Contact for all GLL centres:
Customer service line 0330 1231500