Addressing poverty is one of the cross-cutting themes of Belfast Strategic Partnership’s work and is central to all of the priorities identified in its Framework for Action.
Food, Fuel and Finance Toolkit
Belfast Strategic Partnership has developed a practical toolkit aimed at those in the community, voluntary and statutory sectors who are working with individuals and families.
The toolkit provides key information, practical tools and signposting information in relation to food, fuel and finance. There are sections on:
- Food Planning
- Shopping and cooking tips
- Community gardens and allotments
- Energy efficiency
- Budgeting; and
- Sources of advice and support
Warmth at Home Project
This is a referral scheme for Belfast patients with respiratory conditions. It started in September 2015 and is delivered by National Energy Action (NEA) in partnership with Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and Belfast Strategic Partnership.
Health practitioners identify householders on discharge from hospital or at point of community assessment and make a referral to NEA for energy efficiency measures such as cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and central heating systems. The patients are also given the opportunity to be signposted to an advice centre for a benefits entitlement check and to Belfast City Council’s home safety scheme.
Warmth at Home is part of NEA’s Northern Exposure project which is funded by the Public Health Agency and is designed to tackle the high levels of fuel poverty found in Belfast.
More detail on the first seven months of the scheme can be found on the Warmth At Home Info Graph.
Fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency training at Belfast Met and Springvale Learning
For the past three years, National Energy Action (NEA) and Belfast Strategic Partnership have delivered energy efficiency and fuel poverty awareness raising sessions to the construction, property and housing students at Belfast Metropolitan College and to the plumbing and electrical apprentices at Springvale Learning. The aim of the sessions is to inform students about the health impacts of living in a cold, damp home and solutions to fuel poverty as well as to give them practical information on managing energy bills and improving energy efficiency.
More information
Contact Jacqueline Frazer, Project Development Officer, Belfast Health Development Unit on | 028 9050 2073 or email | FrazerJ@belfastcity.gov.uk