Positive Ageing Month 2022
It is October so that must mean it is Positive Ageing Month!
There is a host of activities for older people planned to celebrate the contribution Belfast’s older citizens make to the city and their local communities.
Some Positive Ageing Month favourites like Chocolate Bingo, the Big Quiz and a Tea Dance will all be done virtually for older people to enjoy from the comfort of their own homes but this year we hope to see people return to face to events.
It begins on Sunday 2nd October in the Ulster Museum with Silver Sunday the Tuesday 4th October in City Hall with the Age-friendly Belfast Convention, when we will be launching the consultation for the new Age-friendly Belfast Plan 2022 -2025. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Positive Ageing Month celebrates the contribution that older people make to their communities and the city of Belfast.
You will also have a chance to join the Virtual interactive Dementia Awareness training 7pm on Wednesday 12th October 2021, which will give you lots of useful info and tips for everyday living with Dementia
For more details email positiveageingmonth@belfastcity.gov.uk or call 07713684705