Active Belfast Grant Scheme 2016/17 | Application Process
This year’s Active Belfast Grant Scheme application process is in full swing. Each grant must encompass a physical activity and nutrition component.
The themes are
Active Travel| To increase the number of people cycling/walking throughout the city and encourage healthy eating.
Active Neighbourhoods| Using local community resources such as places, equipment or people, to allow more people to be physically active and to eat more healthily.
Stage 1 of this process is to complete and return a Self Assessment Form no later than 12 noon, on Monday 7 March 2016 to Contacts Officer, Belfast Health Development Unit, 5th Floor, 9 Lanyon Place, Belfast, BT1 3LP.
If you are successful in Stage 1 of this process you will receive a Stage 2| Application Form due no later than 12 noon on Monday 11 April 2016.
For more information or if you have any questions please email the Active Belfast Team at or telephone 028 9050 2073.